What is CBD?

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical compound found in Cannabis and Hemp plants. CBD is thought to have potential utility for treating a wide range of symptoms and illnesses, including pain, anxiety, seizures, inflammation, and even chronic addictions such as alcoholism.

CBD is a Phytocannabinoid discovered in 1940. It’s one of at least 112 verified Cannabinoids in cannabis plants and accounts for up to 40% of the plant’s extract. CBD can be used in many ways including by inhalation of smoke or vaping e-liquid, by mouth in the most common form of CBD oil, in addition to dried cannabis, hemp tea, or in capsules.

So really – are CBD Hemp flowers legal in Ireland? The answer is, unfortunately, not simple, but we’ll break down in this article to help you understand as much as it is possible to do so.

Read on!

Benefits of CBD Hemp Flowers

CBD can be consumed in different applications, from edibles to oils. At the present time, there isn’t substantial scientific research into the benefits of CBD – mainly because cannabis products are only just becoming accepted around the world. But some scientific studies have low-level research that has shown that CBD has significant properties, such as, anti-inflammatory properties that work to ease pain, anxiolytic effects to help reduce stress and anxiety, and potential neuroprotective properties.

Are CBD and Cannabis From Exactly The Same Plant

Now let’s talk about this for a second. So the first thing that we want to talk about is the fact that hemp and cannabis are exactly the same plants. The DNA can’t tell the difference. They can breed together; they can make new little CBD cannabis offspring together. Exactly the same plant. This is where the CBD oil comes from.

When the hemp plant comes to its maturation, it can easily be harvested for many commercial reasons. The CBD flower takes birth and is ready to be harvested. Unlike marijuana buds, the cannabidiol flower does not have high levels of THC. The greatest benefit of CBD hemp flowers is that they are natural products.


Final Thoughts

We can’t be sure what will happen next in terms of CBD law in Ireland. But there is one option that seems more likely.

As in much of the rest of Europe, and indeed the world, CBD has been the centerpiece of a revolution in Ireland over the last few years, and there is a lot of money to be made, not only by businesses but also by the Government on tax from those companies.

Therefore, it seems likely that the DOH (Department of Health) will follow through on their ambition to bring Irish law in line with EU (European Union) law, and make sure that CBD products are legal to be bought and sold in Ireland, as long as they meet the EU guidelines.

Nevertheless, what we suggest at this point is to be very careful when it comes to CBD in Ireland. Until it becomes clear that the use and sale of CBD products are legal in Ireland, it is best to tread with care.

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